Gathering prayer
Bless us Lord as we come together as a community of faith and service:
Loving God, we turn to you in gratitude for the gifts you have poured into our hearts.
Living God, we rejoice in your name, a people of joy, nourished by your word.
Forgiving God, we pray for your compassion, that from our weakness may come great strength.
Guided by the Holy Spirit and inspired by the Gospel may we daily give witness to your love through our words and actions.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
© Kevin Saunders 2018
Jesus Christ, Lord and redeemer, we remember your glorious Ascension into Heaven and its promise of eternal life to all who seek to do your will.
May we receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts, kindling within us the courage to be your hands in this world, taking your Gospel message through our words and deeds to those we meet as we go about our daily lives. May we do so with joy and love, by the power of your grace, guided by the Spirit who resides within us.
Help us to serve you in all we do, that we might one day see you in your glory sitting at the right hand of your Father in His Heavenly kingdom.
© Kevin Saunders 2023
Emmaus Prayer
Lord Jesus, we are disciples on the road to Emmaus, living our lives in the real world, walking along with You, the one who is always there accompanying us, whether we recognize You or not.
You listen to us, and understand us, because you became like us, in "all things but sin" .
Lord in the breaking of the bread, open our eyes to this invitation into communion with the one, true, Living God.
Jesus Christ, Risen from the dead, walk with us on the road of life.
Lead us to see who we are called to become as we grow in continual communion with You.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Father in Heaven, You give us Your love in so many ways.
You have given us the earth, to sustain and nourish us.
Help us to show love by sharing our plenty with those in need.
Only through imaging Your love for us, can we show love for others.
May we truly be people of love, in our families, at work and at play.
Your love seeks nothing in return. It is freely given.
You even gave us Your only Son, that we might be saved from our many weaknesses.
Guide us away from those material temptations that take us away from You, Lord.
Give us the strength to only seek out ways to love and serve You more, each and every day.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Lord Jesus, bringer of light, show me the way to follow your commands.
Help me to set aside my pride and humbly do as you will.
Grant me the fortitude to serve you though times are hard.
Let me not look for acknowledgement of my deeds but to offer them to you.
You have revealed your plan for humankind, grant me the grace to follow its path that I may be your faithful servant, now and forever.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Is that you calling Lord? I can't quite hear. Just wait a while until I am not so busy. You know Lord, my days are so full. I have work, family, sport at the weekends, social media. When can I find the time for anything else? I really do not have a moment to myself.
Do you really mean me to drop everything, right now, and follow you? do! Right now. I am needed, by you.
Lord, make me your disciple, that I may follow you always.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Heavenly Father, may we share in the strength that can only be had by drawing close to you.
You are our refuge when we face hardship,
You are our comfort when we are sad.
Your Gospel is our inspiration when we set foot in the world to do good on your behalf.
We have received the gift of your Son, our saviour.
We are blessed with the presence of your Spirit.
We ask for the fortitude to continue your work in the face of a doubting world.
Help us not to weaken but to remain fervent in our belief that through the saving act of the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ, the gift of salvation is there for all who climb the mountain.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
There are times, Lord Jesus, when I wander and am lost.
It is then I look for your star to guide me on my journey.
Help me to step back from the temptations of this world, instead, to seek the simplicity of the stable where you chose to be born.
Help me not to seek the unnecessary distractions of this life, but to concentrate on the love and nourishment I find in knowing you.
Lord Jesus, you are my guide and my saviour.
Lord Jesus be with me, and all who are in need, throughout this day.
I ask this in your name.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Mary most holy, you are the first to kiss the face of God as you cradle the Christ child in your arms.
Blessed are you, chosen to be the new Eve, co-redemptrix of the human race.
All praise to Jesus, our gift, through you, from God.
Mary most holy, keep us, unworthy as we are, in your thoughts and prayers, that we may sit, with you, at the table of the Lord when our last day comes.
© Kevin Saunders 2016
God of life, you breathed the universe into existence.
God of wonder, you are awesome.
God of time, you are eternal.
God of love, you know me by name.
Without you I am nothing.
© Kevin Saunders 2015
Mother of the Christ child,
by your faithfulness to God
you undid the sin of Eve.
You are the perfect woman.
Pray for us.
Holy Mary, immaculate lady,
Queen of Heaven and earth,
through your example of unwavering love
we learn to serve your Son.
You are the perfect woman.
Pray for us.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
God who creates all things, you endowed us with the gift and responsibility of caring for your world. We are charged with sharing the bounty it provides fairly, so that all may feast from the table you set. As the apex of your creation we have a duty to all living things, to protect their habitats and to save them from harm.
God of power and might we thank you for your benevolence and pray that we may be worthy of your trust. Help us to be witnesses to your will and workers in your vineyard so that future generations may enjoy the richness and diversity of your creation.
© Kevin Saunders 2015
God of light, be my guide in the darkness. Take my hand and lead me where you will, not as I fear to tread. Open my mind and heart to the needs of others and make me an instrument of justice and peace.
© Kevin Saunders 2015
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the good shepherd, protector of the lost sheep. So many times have I wandered from the path, yet you are always there to guide me home. Your love is constant, comforting, consoling. Your forgiveness knows no bounds. I come before you a sinner, lost and adrift. Once more take me into your loving arms that I may stray no longer from your saving presence.
© Kevin Saunders 2015
Prayer does not always come easily,
so many distractions.
Let me be still, close my eyes,
breathe slowly, concentrate.
I pray…
Lord Jesus, by your precious blood,
spilled for us on the cross, may I be renewed.
Lord Jesus, by your precious body given for us at your crucifixion, may I be nourished.
Lord Jesus, fill my heart with love to serve this world in your name.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Loving those who annoy me is sometimes hard, Lord. I cannot help but think ill of them. Do I have to go out of my way to be their friend? To show them kindness?
Look, seriously Lord. I have nothing in common with them. How do I start? I don't even know how to talk to them!
What Lord? They are my brothers and sisters! They are my neighbours. The ones you talked about in the great commandment. The ones I need to love.
I think I understand Lord Jesus. I am beginning to see them more clearly now.
Hey, you are right. They are just like me.
Help my Jesus, to have your commandment of love in my heart and to share it with everyone I meet, so we may become one, in and through you.
© Kevin Saunders 2017
Transforming Spirit, cleanse me of my
Guide me along the path of trials,
Lead me to God’s glory.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
I am breathless Lord, gazing at the
works of your hand.
You have painted the sky with such
amazing colours.
The vibrant blues of day, the warm
reds of sun rise and set
are the background to your artistry.
Against this you place the mountain
reaching towards a Heaven they will
never touch.
I am in awe of you Lord, I wonder at
your glory.
I awake to breathe in the day you have
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Holy Spirit, silently you move among
You are the breeze brushing against
our cheek.
You are the warmth radiating from a
naked flame.
We are touched by your empowering
and enabled by your gift of grace.
Spirit of truth, show us the way.
Spirit of light, guide our steps.
Spirit of hope, inspire us to do your
© Kevin Saunders 2013
The poor cry out in anguish
and the world does not hear.
Their voice is silenced
by the power of greed.
The hungry stare with sunken eyes
and the world does not see.
Their despair is unnoticed
by hearts of stone.
The homeless shiver on cold streets
and the world turns its back.
Their plight is unnoticed
while we pass them by.
Lord Jesus, you came to proclaim
the Good News to the poor.
Open our hearts and eyes
to the needs of those we have cast
Make us your instrument
to heal the wounds of this world.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
I come to your table, Lord,
unworthy yet welcome.
When my faith is weak,
your precious body sustains me.
I come to serve at your altar.
Send me out in to the world.
Make me your disciple,
frail yet willing.
Help me to do good.
Lead me to a life of helping others.
Make me your instrument,
so others may come to you,
Lord Jesus.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Eternal Spirit, who has spread his
wings across the waters since the
beginning of creation,
may your breath give me the strength
to step out into the world at your
the courage to go beyond myself as a
child of God in the name of the Son;
the fortitude to continue even when
the world overwhelms me;
the peace of mind and heart to trust
in the never ending love of the Father.
I ask this in the name of the Father,
Son and Spirit.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Jesus, you are my saviour.
You allowed yourself to be placed on
the cross
for the sins of the world,
for the sins I have committed,
for the sins I will commit.
I am very sorry for having offended
so many times and in so many ways.
Please, by the help of your grace,
Help me to overcome my failings
so that I may be worthy of your love.
Forgive me my sins, Lord Jesus,
that I might share in your everlasting
© Kevin Saunders 2013
How many times have I walked this
path? Feet falling on familiar ground,
each cracked paving stone familiar,
smiling at me like an old friend.
How many times have I stopped at the
same intersection? Waiting for the
light to beckon me across, walking
head bowed against the crowd,
looking neither right nor left to avoid
vacant stares.
How many times have I missed your
call? Your light touch upon my
shoulder, the opportunity to follow in
your footsteps, to follow the path you
have planned.
How many times must I place another
nail in your hands? Pierce your side
with a spear of doubt, lock you away
in a dark tomb.
When will I step into your light?
© Kevin Saunders 2013
All praise to God,
creator and sustainer of life.
Your very breath sent forth the stars,
filling the sky with light.
You sent your only Son into the world
to show us the way.
Your word was made flesh.
All praise and thanks to God.
Hear the voice of your faithful servant.
All glory belongs to your name.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Lord Jesus, you invite me to the altar
to share in your sacred meal.
Help me be a worthy guest
as I sit at the table
waiting to receive your holy body,
your precious blood,
laid out as bread and wine.
Sanctified by Your words of
your gift to us.
I come to your table Lord
that I might receive the grace to serve
you well,
and gain everlasting life for my eternal
Accept me into your presence
and grant me your redeeming love,
that I may do your will,
forever and ever.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
I heard a tui singing in my garden and
my heart lifted. There he was in the
middle branches of the tree, head
held high, wattle quivering, wings
flashing shades of blue in the dappled
This simple pleasure filled me with joy
Lord. It reminded me of the gifts you
have given me. To the tui you give the
gift of song to share with those with
ears to listen.
To me you give the gift of faith to
carry with me into the world each day
to share with those who refuse to
This is the challenge you have set
before me. To ‘Go and make disciples
of all nations’.
Thank you for the trust you place in
me, Lord,
Give me the strength to fulfill your
will. Amen.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Holy Mary, virgin most pure,
mother of the Christ child.
By your faithfulness to God
you undid the sin of Eve.
You are the perfect woman.
Pray for us.
Holy Mary, immaculate lady,
Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Through your example of unwavering
we learn to serve your Son.
You are the perfect woman.
Pray for us.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
We praise you, God of all seasons.
We thank you for the time of autumn
and the myriad colours it brings.
We witness at this time of the year
the many fruits You shower upon the
as forests and fields prepare for
winter’s rest.
We pray we might show to others,
though our lives,
the same love you give to us.
And share our blessings with those
less fortunate,
now and forever in Your name.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Lord Jesus Christ,
by your death and resurrection
you brought light into the world.
I stand before you
with hands outstretched
ready to do your will.
Send your Spirit to guide me.
Help me to be your servant,
to work for the good of others,
and spread the message of your love.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
My heart sings for joy.
You are the Lord of hosts,
my hope and my salvation.
My voice cries out to you.
You are my light in the darkness,
my solace and consolation.
My feet follow your path.
You are the King of Creation,
my strength and protection.
Teach me your ways Lord,
that I may serve you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ
for giving us your saving grace,
won by your death on Calvary.
Through your suffering
you showed us the way to salvation.
Help us to accept our times of trial
as small steps on the road to Heaven.
We praise and honour you always.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
God of light
wrap me in the warmth of your love.
You are my shield
when I am battered
by the storms of life,
my shelter
when I seek
a place for quiet
meditation on those things
that are really important.
Loving God,
today and every day
I trust my life to you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Father of mercy,
let my hands be your hands
as I travel through the day.
Father of the lost sheep,
let me be their guide.
Father of the unheard,
let me be their voice.
Father of the rejected,
let me stand by their side.
Loving father
give me the courage
to faithfully serve you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Spirit of the Lord who spreads the love
of God to all people,
take me, your humble servant,
beneath your wings.
Shelter me from harm and distress
this day.
Spirit of the Lord who guides the
hearts of all the faithful,
lead me, your sinful servant, by the
Draw me closer to the person I seek to
Spirit of the Lord who inspires those
who trust the Lord Jesus,
place me, your unworthy servant,
where I am most needed.
Grant me the opportunity to love,
guide and inspire others.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
God in Heaven,
the angels sing of your glory.
They praise your very name.
God of power,
the mountains bow down before you
giving honour to your majesty.
God of gentleness,
the warm breeze whispers your love,
singing songs of your splendour.
Almighty God forever and ever.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Come Spirit come, inspire me with
your love.
Fill me with the desire to seek that
which is good.
Open my eyes to opportunities.
Close my eyes to temptation.
Give me the voice of righteousness
and the courage of commitment.
Grant me the gift of discernment
that I may choose right from wrong.
Guide me as I try to walk in Christ’s
and seek to do the Father’s will.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
This is an amazing world you have
given us, Lord.
From the highest mountain to the
deepest depths
it is teeming with your gift of life.
I feel your presence in the wind, the
fresh rain.
I see your presence in the intricacy of
the myriad stars in the night sky,
the single sun which gives us warmth.
This universe is in perfect balance
beyond our comprehension.
No matter how hard we seek we will
never unravel your mystery.
We fill ourselves with thoughts of our
own importance
yet all we need is faith in your
Loving God, you have given us so
All we have and are, we owe to you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Lord Jesus, I greet this day
with open heart and open mind.
I place myself at your command
and put my trust in you.
Just as you care for the birds of the air
and the flowers of the fields
I know you will care for me.
Lord Jesus, you fill my life with hope,
you fill my heart with joy.
To you, Lord Jesus, all praise and
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Lord God, you made today for me to
serve you.
Forgive me the failings of yesterday
and give me the strength to make
today yours.
So many possibilities are before me.
The chance to do good,
The opportunity to do your will.
Lord God, I want to take your light
into the world.
Help me to be a beacon of your love.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Risen Lord, you bring peace to those
who trust you.
We know you are our sanctuary in
times of need.
Sometimes I feel like a rudderless ship
Thrown and tossed on troubled
It is then I turn to you to be my
Steering me to safe harbour where I
may rest.
You are the Lord who calmed the
You are my haven, my light, my guide.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
I praise you Lord with a loud voice
and sing you songs of thanks with
open heart.
In Your name give me the strength
to stretch out my hands…
to open the eyes of those who will not
the ears of those who will not hear.
I look upon Your cross of perfect love
And place myself at Your service.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
God of eternity,
who made the heavens and earth
by your very word,
create within us
a sense of awe and wonder
at the beauty and complexity
of your design.
I feel so insignificant
when I gaze at the immensity
of the universe.
And yet we are
the most treasured of your handiwork.
Made in your image and likeness,
granted the gift of your saving grace
and the promise of eternal life.
God of power and might,
God of unconditional love,
I give to you this day my every breath.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Creator God,
you are the artist who with delicate
brush strokes
paints the sky with the ambient
colours of dawn and dusk.
Creator God,
you are the potter who with loving
moulds the face of the earth.
Creator God,
you are the weaver who with threads
of hope
images us in your own likeness.
We praise you
We adore you
We glorify you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
God of hope,
you are my light when the day is dark,
my strength when I can’t go on,
my guide when I can’t find my way.
Spirit of hope,
you are my guide when I am lost,
my inspiration when I doubt,
my direction when I seek the truth.
Christ of hope,
you are my friend when I am lonely,
my rock when I falter,
my saviour now and forever.
Father, Spirit, Son,
three in one,
I bow down before you
And seek to do your will this day.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Loving God,
help me see the world through your
To recognise the pain in others and
the help that I could give.
So often I am caught up in my own
world, my own needs,
that I am blind to the injustice that
surrounds me.
Call my name that I may follow your
walk the path you would have me
I know I take the easy route, the one
without risk.
Pardon my failings,
ready me for the challenges you place
before me.
Loving God, in my unworthiness, I
offer myself to you.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Thank you Lord Jesus
for granting us this day
to see the good in others.
You have given us this day
to use on your behalf.
You gave your life
that we might live
in the certainty of your love.
You sent your Spirit
that we might follow
the teachings you gave us.
You established your Church
that we might receive the gift of grace
through the sacraments you left us.
We thank you Lord Jesus,
our saviour, our redeemer.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
I need to find quiet.
There is too much noise in the world.
My life is so busy.
You have heard it all before .
All these excuses.
Lord, help me find the peace I need
to discover your wonder.
I fill my head with things of no
Empty me of the selfishness
that keeps me away from you.
Give me the tranquility
to rediscover the sense of awe
I had as a child when I looked at
simple things.
A butterfly emerging from its
A leaf twirling as it fell to ground.
Father of humankind
grant me peace in my heart
so I can learn how to know you better.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Morning Prayer
As I begin my day I pray:
Eternal Spirit,
who is the breath of life.
moving silently with the wind.
Restless Spirit,
who crosses the oceans and land
revealing the Father’s truth.
Guiding Spirit,
who is the beacon in the dark
lighting the way to Christ.
Confirming Spirit
Be my strength
As I step in to the world.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Rejoice in the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord.
Let your heart sing with gladness
for he can do all things.
His blessings are many,
his love without limit.
Let us raise our voices
to the Son of Man,
raised high by the Father
to sit by His right hand.
Cry out with joy
to the paraclete
who dwells within us.
Give praise for the gift of life,
for we are made in His image,
to go in peace
to love and serve the Lord,
Father, Son and Spirit.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Where was I when you needed me
Was I at my desk, head down, too busy
to look?
Maybe I was at lunch, switched off,
unable to hear.
Was it the sound of traffic distracting
me when you called my name?
Or the earphones tightly pressed and
turned up loud that blocked you out?
Was I being assailed by 6pm news of
tragedy and triviality?
Did I throw my hands in the air and
despair at my inability to make a
Where was I when you placed
opportunity in my path?
Were my eyes open or blocked by
tunnel vision as I walked, head down,
oblivious along the footpath?
Where was I Lord?
Help me open my eyes and ears Lord,
this I most ardently pray.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
God of love,
Help me to treasure your word, placed
gently within my heart so that I might
know what is right.
Let your word be my strength and
consolation when I am tempted by the
attractions of this world.
May your word lead me to seek justice
and mercy for those who are hurting, to
do what is right at all times, to be the
servant of others.
May I always humbly honour you,
Father in Heaven, through the integrity
of my actions.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
Our Lord.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Spirit of God,
I hear you sighing in the wind tonight.
Is that for me?
How I did disappoint you,let you down
today, as I succumbed to my weakness.
Spirit of God,
Forgive my frailty, strengthen my
heart, inspire my commitment, that I
may serve you faithfully each new day.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
I awake to the sound of bird song
and give praise to God for his gift
of creation.
I pull back the curtains and as light
floods into the room I greet God's
day with a 'good to be alive' smile.
O great and loving God, creator of
all, I thank You for the gift of life,
for the opportunity to make this
day Yours. To be of service to
others in their time of need. To
bring hope to those who are
downhearted. To lighten the
burden of those who struggle day
after day. To carry the joy of Your
message of love in my mind, in my
heart and on my lips this day and
every day of my life. Amen.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Lord Jesus, I pray you be the song
in my heart.
May your name be on my lips as I
go about this day.
I want to move to the beat of your
To dance to the rhythm of your
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Prayer does not always come easily,
so many distractions.
Let me be still, close my eyes,
breathe slowly, concentrate.
I pray…
Lord Jesus, by your precious blood,
spilled for us on the cross, may I be
Lord Jesus, by your precious body
given for us at your crucifixion,
may I be nourished.
Lord Jesus, fill my heart with love to
serve this world in your name.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Prince of Peace
Prince of peace,
You humbled yourself to be born in a
I place myself before you and kneel in
adoration as did lowly shepherds on
that starlit night.
I pray that my ears be opened, that I
too may hear the angels’ song, “Peace
and goodwill to all.”
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Mother Mary
Mother Mary,
First to kiss the face of God.
You held the Christ child to your breast
As Joseph watched.
Shepherds gathered,
Wise men followed a star
Carrying gifts, three.
Allow me Mother Mary,
To offer myself in prayer,
That through you,
Who does magnify the Lord,
I may come to know Jesus better.
That I may come to understand
How I am to serve others in his name.
That I may be as He wants me to be.
Now and forever. Amen.
© Kevin Saunders 2013
Lord Jesus, when I look in my heart I
am so like Thomas. I am full of doubt
and often fail to live what I claim to
believe. My trust in you is incomplete
and my weakness is there for all to
The world assails me and I buckle
under the pressure to conform to its
desires, to fit in.
My comfort is your unconditional
forgiveness and love as I turn back to
you time and time again.
You accept my weakness Lord Jesus
and constantly place before me the
challenge to be who you would have
me be.
Give me the strength and courage to
resist the temptations of this world
that I might gain a place at the
banquet you have prepared for the
Lord Jesus, I offer my life to you.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Jesus, our shepherd, protector of your
You gave your life that we might be
Your love for us knows no bounds.
You humbled yourself upon the cross,
Obedient to the father.
Guide me as I step into the world.
Keep me safe from those who revile
Give me the strength to be true to
your word,
To humble myself in your name,
Obedient to the Gospel.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
I breathe in, I breathe out,
Slowly, carefully,
In time with nature,
Clearing my mind,
Opening my heart.
Come Spirit, take hold,
Come Spirit, whisper to me,
Gently at first,
Lest I panic, lest I run.
Slowly raise your voice
Until I hear your call
And understand
How I must love
My neighbour
According to your will,
Not mine.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Spirit of life, renew the face of the
Help us to be a people of action,
Caring for the world placed in our
Guide us to be a people of love,
Caring for those who are
Inspire us to be a people of peace,
Caring for those who would revile us.
Strengthen us to be a people of faith,
Caring for those who have no belief.
We ask these things through Father,
Son and Spirit.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Lord Jesus, humbly I kneel before you,
Unworthy to stand in your presence.
With heart and mind I seek to do your
And yet find myself constantly failing.
I fear I do not have the strength I need.
I fear I do not have the faith I need.
Lord Jesus, humbly I kneel before you
Seeking the strength and faith to be
truly yours,
To be as you would have me,
A true and faithful servant.
© Kevin Saunders 2014
Thank you Lord Jesus:
For opening my heart to the needs of
For granting me the intellect to begin
to understand the immensity of the
Gospel message.
For gifting me with the strength of
heart to love when times are tough.
For lifting me on to your shoulders
when life begins to weigh me down.
For the invitation to come to your
table to nourish my weakened spirit.
For your forgiveness when things go
For the sacrifice you made on the
cross, on behalf of all humankind.
For the hope of eternal life gained
through your resurrection.
May I be ever faithful to your name
and, through my actions, worthy of
your love.
I ask this in the name of the Father,
Son and Spirit.
© Kevin Saunders 2014